What with all this COVID business, the discussion group that used to meet every Saturday in the vestry of Crieff Adventist Church decided to go all virtual and meet online. We've been running via Zoom every week since March 2020 and we've decided we really rather like it. It's now and the Virtual Vestry is still going strong.

For most of us the weekly discussion groups at Crieff Adventist Church (and the frequent reprises over a shared lunch) were the highlights of our spiritual week. We couldn't imagine life without them so we went virtual, almost from day #1 of the pandemic.

So now we can still have our discussions. But with the added benefit of being able to slob about the house in our pyjamas... Excellent.

Crieff is in rural Perthshire, in Scotland. Since going virtual we've got folks who connect up from all over the world, from very enthusiastic persons who rise at 4:30am in the USA to Australians joining us in their evening.

As long as your internet connection supports a Zoom call it should work!

We are building up quite an archive of the audio recordings of our discussions. These are all password protected, contact us if you'd like a listen.


The Books of 1st and 2nd Samuel

Feb 2024 and onwards

We investigate the life and actions of Samuel - the man, often referred to as a prophet, who bridged the gap between the Judges and the first two God-appointed kings of the nation: hunky, handsome javelin-throwing Saul; then David, the Psalm-writing, harp-playing shepherd boy turned adulterous, treacherous warrior who was also described as the "man after God's own heart".

This period, lasting from around 1170–1000 BC, is frequently violent and gruesome. The Israelites alternately follow and desert, obey and disobey God, and interact with their pagan neighbours. This series will both seriously challenge and inform our understanding of God's working with broken humanity. God's patience is continuously tried and tested and as God remains faithful to His people – for the time being at least.

Audio recordings

Recordings of our discussions (where available). All are password protected. Contact us if you'd like to listen.



Jan to Feb 2024

Christians generally take it for granted that the Bible is the 'Inspired Word of God' without much further thought as to what they actually mean by that.

So, what do we - the individuals who join in the Virtual Vestry discussions - mean when we use the word 'inspiration'? What does the Adventist Church teach? What views are held within wider Christianity?

We started by discussing what the word 'Inspiration' might mean. (There are, perhaps unsurprisingly, a wide range of views on this.) And we shared our ideas, questions and beliefs regarding Biblical Inspiration and noted what various authors have written on the subject.

The complete discussion notes are freely available.


The Book of Acts

Mar to Dec 2023

A series in which we attempted to cover the Book of Acts (in detail) and many of the Pauline Epistles (in slightly less detail). Jesus has departed physically; the Holy Spirit is about to 'descend' and the gospel is about to be taken to 'all nations'. We followed the book's journey from around the early 30's to the late 60's AD, with detours into Paul's letters as appropriate.

The complete discussion notes are freely available.

Hospitality in the Bible

January and February 2023

Hospitality in the Bible. A short 8 week study.

See the complete discussion notes.

Natalia Goncharova 'The Evangelists'

The Story of Jesus, Part #2

April to December 2022

A continuation of our 'Story of Jesus' series.

See the complete discussion notes.

The Book of Hebrews

January to March 2022

For this quarter we joined the rest of the Adventist church as they discussed the Book of Hebrews. We used the official Lesson Study Guide as our starting point, with numerous detours and interesting asides.

Our discussion notes are available.

The Story of Jesus, Part #1

March to December 2021

We attempted something that is nominally quite simple. A study into the story of Jesus Christ, with the emphasis on the word 'story'. What happened? When? And, maybe Why? We took it broadly chronologically and looked across all four gospels.

We didn't complete our 'story' and we returned to it later in 2022, after the quarter on 'The Book of Hebrews'.

Our complete discussion notes are freely available should you wish to join in.


November 2020 to February 2021

We read and discussed the Book of Ecclesiastes, that strange and wonderfully miserable book right in the middle of the Christian bible.

'All is vanity' says Qohelet. It was an excellent trip...

Our complete discussion notes are freely available should you wish to repeat our trip.

...plus some Random Diversions

Every now and then the Virtual Vestry interrupts our usual study series and investigates some 'one-off' topic.

You'll find an index of these diversions should you wish to be diverted.

Get involved...

How to get involved

Contact us on hello@virtualvestry.com. We'll add you to our mailing list and get you set up on Telegram. We send out an email on Thursday or Friday each week with the Zoom meeting details for the upcoming Saturday.

Saturday morning

We meet via Zoom between 9:30 and 11:00am on a Saturday morning, UK time.


We have a number of groups on the Telegram messaging app where the Virtual Vestry folks have extended discussions on whatever takes their interest.